Thyroid Hugs and Kisses


Ingredients: Castro oil, Jojoba oil, Francincense oil, Lavender oil

30ml $26.00
60ml $48.00
110ml $68.00

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SKU: N/A Category:

Benefits: Anti-infammatory, anti-microbial, immune-modulating, stress reducing antioxidant properties can help support thyroid health. May help protect the thyroid by reducing free radicals in the body. Works for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

Warning: As with all natural remedies it is best to always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advise.
Essential oils are not medication replacements but can support the health of the body.
Do not use during pregnancy unless under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
Make sure to use caution if you are sensitive to any essential oil
Please consult with a pediatrician prior to using on a child less than two years of age.

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30ml, 60ml, 110ml


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As with all natural remedies, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Essential oils are not medication replacements but can support the health of the body. Do not use during pregnancy unless under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Make sure to use caution if you are sensitive to any essential oil.